Painless Root Canal Treatment (RCT) and capping in Delhi
Root canal treatment can save your infected tooth and this procedure is painless!
Root canal treatment or RCT is one of the most commonly done dental procedures: though, for some people it remains the most feared and dreaded one. However, root canal at Goel Dental is done under safe anaesthesia and by using advanced pain management protocols. Thus, leaving you with a painless root canal experience. Root canal treatment saves your precious teeth from extraction and prolongs it’s life.
Reasons for root canal treatment
- Deep cavity involving pulp
- Sensitivity to hot or cold
- Trauma to the tooth
- Before placing crown for cosmetic reasons
- Pus discharge from tooth or gum
What is root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment consists of cleaning infection and pus inside the tooth by using tiny files through rotary system. During RCT all the living tissue (pulp) inside the teeth consisting of blood vessels, nerves and cellular components is removed. After that roots inside the tooth are cleaned, reshaped, irrigated and sealed with Gutta Percha. Thus RCT clears the tooth of all the infection and make it pain free and preserves its functionality.
Although it sounds simple, RCT is the most sophisticated dental procedure with treatment success depending entirely on the expertise of treating dentist and his equipment. If your teeth is damaged and filling is not possible than it requires Root Canal Treatment and possibly a crown after that. Dr Shikha Goel, one of the best Endodontist in South Delhi specialise in root canal treatment and she has been able to save a lot of teeth from extractions by doing fillings and painless root canal treatment. Availability of Microscope and Laser and its utilisation by Dr Shikha in complicated cases has further improved the outcome of Root Canal Treatments completed by her.
Time required for Root canal treatment
Most cases of RCT can be completed in 1-3 visits, with each visit lasting 15-30 minutes. Root canal should not be rushed as it is important that all the infection inside the tooth is cleared and the pain has settled before a tooth is sealed. Only after a tooth has become painfree a crown should be given.
Single sitting root canal treatment is a commonly misunderstood procedure although it is actually an extremely complicated procedure. Not all the teeth destined for root canal treatment are candidates for a single visit root canal treatment. Dr. Shikha carefully evaluates each case and then decides whether the root canal treatment should be performed in a single visit or not. Cases of intentional RCT as we do before preparing teeth for crown or bridge for cosmetic reasons can be done in a single sitting. Cases with minimal infection, less pain at presentation and less pus collection can be completed in single sitting. Goel Dental has facility for single visit Zirconia crown also available thus a root canal along with crown fitting can also be done by Dr Shikha Goel in single visit.
Root Canal Treatment vs Tooth Extraction
It happens that whenever you have been examined by a dentist and he advises extraction or root canal after looking at your Xray, you often have second thoughts which option is better for you and whether you should have a second opinion. As a general rule extraction should be the last option if a tooth can be saved by a Root canal treatment. Root canal procedure works by removing the infection inside the tooth while extraction involves removal of entire tooth along with the infection. Root canal and a crown can reinforce your damaged tooth for years ahead. Extracted tooth will require replacement in the form of a Dental implant or a Bridge or if tooth is not replaced it may cause long term dental problems like loosening of other teeth, shifting of other teeth, and loss of biting force.
Pain after root canal treatment
It may be possible that your tooth may pain immediately after root canal or a swelling may occur. It has been observed more in cases of repeat root canal treatment. However a common painkiller is usually given after the procedure for 2-3 days to take care of any pain or discomfort. Pain settles completely in a maximum of 7 days.
Tooth cap after RCT
We should all know that most of the teeth that have undergone root canal treatment should be reinforced with a tooth cap (crown) over it, else even a good root canal treatment would fail over a period of time. Cap or dental crown is usually required over back teeth or else it may break while chewing. It is possible at Goel Dental to get a zirconia or a ceramic crown in same day.
Which tooth cap is best after RCT?
Tooth caps are basically of three types; metal, metal ceramic and metal free. Although metal free tooth caps are considered best for any root canal treated teeth, but metal and metal ceramic caps can also be chosen as these are more budget friendly options. It is best to discuss these options with your dentist and see samples before making a choice.
Life of Root Canal Treated Tooth
If you continue to care for your root canal treated tooth with brushing and flossing it continues to get nutrition from surrounding tissues and could last a lifetime. Regular follow ups and scan at least annually by your dentist can further prolong the life of root canal treated tooth.
Facilities for advanced root canal procedures like Microscopic root canal treatment , Root surgeries, Apicoectomy, Removal of broken files and Root resection etc is also available at Goel Dental in Delhi.
Why Goel Dental for Root canal treatment in Delhi?
Goel Dental is designed around providing specialised root canal treatment in Delhi. Dr Shikha Goel being an endodontist has equipped her clinic with the latest technology required for a root canal treatment. She uses RVG (single tooth xray) from Sirona to get detailed Xray image of infected tooth. Dental microscope is installed in the operatory as some cases may require enhanced magnification. To better clean infection from the roots rotary file system is used and to measure precise canal length integrated apex locator is utilised. She also uses liquid filling inside the roots that is pushed inside by a sophisticated equipment known as System B from Sybron Endo. Infection prevention measures like rubber dam, laser application and disposables are used for a specialised root canal treatment.
Cost of Root Canal Treatment per tooth in Delhi
Cost of a root canal is INR 3500 – 6500 depending on tooth and done by an Endodontist
Cost of single sitting root canal treatment is same as above
Cost of repeat root canal treatment is 5500 – 7500 depending on tooth and done by an Endodontist
Cost of microscopic root canal treatment is 8000 on any tooth
Combined cost of root canal and capping depends on choice of tooth cap.